Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Post Mortem

Andrew's comments aside, I had a terrible day. It's not like Hillary had a huge gain, since she only won 4 more delegates than Obama on the day. Also Obama's still ahead of her in total delegates, and is mathematically guaranteed to remain ahead throughout the primaries.

But it was hard to see Hillary and the media talk about "momentum" and how Obama getting a hit, which isn't even true. Yes, I know the arguments that the media went easy on Obama, but I was still moping around the office. It's like watching the Eagles miss the playoffs. Things are so bad that - seriously - I donated money to the Obama campaign, without having Nilda tell me to. I shit you not!

In all fairness, here's what I like about Hillary:
  • She's strong and holds her own in an argument.
  • She's decisive, like tater tots.
  • She represents the fullfilment of the dream of the 60s feminists, and her election would be a true breakthrough for women.
  • She would surround herself with smart and qualified people, including Bill.
  • I trust that she would make the right decisions, from public policy and judicial selections to military actions.
  • There's no way she would get pushed around by the Republicans.
Here's what I don't like about Clinton:
  • She's so politically shrewd that her decisions could at least be perceived as being politically motivated.
  • She doesn't inspire me to do anything. Not sure if this is a related point, but I don't like the sound of her voice.
  • She's a divisive figure and would lead us back to the culture wars of the 90s.
  • She'll say whatever she needs to win an election. She can't even decide what baseball team she roots for!
  • Her election is guaranteed to continue the partisian battles that I'm so sick of after two decades of Clintons and Bushes.

Here's looking forward to Obama's wins in Wyoming and Mississippi! Let that sink in until Hillary routs him in Pennsylvania.


DorothyMantooth said...

Incisive commentary from The Most Important Blog In The Country, B-Dub.

Anonymous said...

sweetheart, I know how you feel, all that shopping I did yesterday didn't make me feel better either. :) but today, after my morning jolt of Obama news, I'm ready for Mississippi & Wyoming!
Yes We Can! LOL

Anonymous said...

So, at the risk of renewing controversy among the boywonder's loyal readers, I don't suppose anyone listened to Geraldine Ferraro yesterday on Talk of the Nation? (I, unlike *most* of you, DON'T have to go to work the next day ... must be why I like Obama ;-)). Anyway, she was instrumental in the creation of the superdelegates & is a Clinton supporter. Someone called in to say that if the superdelegates nominate Clinton, they will do so in direct opposition to the will of majority of American democrats, which takes us back to the Bush/Gore issues and will likely irreparably divide the party. She then launched into an ANGRY diabtribe about how basically the Obama supporters are misinformed, & that the numbers are MEANINGLESS because too many Republicans voted in the D. primaries, & that the superdelegates can do as THEY see best. It was ridiculously offensive, and there were more callers who called to say that same thing. THAT is why I don't like Clinton. If you care to listen:

DorothyMantooth said...

Holy shit! That's kind of amazing, Mary! Thanks for that.

I actually had the same thoughts about the possibility of the superdelegates "negating" the popular vote being very reminiscent of Bush/Gore. I haven't listened to the NPR segment yet, but I will now. And I may be back with more commentary...

Dum dum DUUUUUM!

DorothyMantooth said...

Okay, liveblogging the NPR segment:

Ickes comes across as a dick, doesn't he? "Rhetoric about the voice of the people"?! The fuck is he on about??!!
America's still nominally a democracy, right?

As an aside, some random partner from the firm we share space with & I rode down in the elevator tonight and we had a collective giggle about the "3 a.m. phone call" commercial. His take, which I think might be shared by others, was, "So the message is that when she gets that phone call, she's gonna roll over in bed and ask Bill what to do?" Regardless of the merit of that opinion (which, frankly, I felt a little guilty giggling along to), I think most folks can agree that the commercial was kinda lame, at best, and pretty ridiculous, at most.

Obama's campaign manager came across really well, I think.

I love this commentator dude!! "Funny hats"! "Silly parties"!! LOVE him!!

Jebus, GWB!!! "I have gotten to know" McCain! Gotten!! Damn.

This guy talking about McCain isn't saying much of anything, but I think he's coming across well.

Hot damn! Limbaugh was calling for folks to come out and vote for Clinton?!! I think that says all we need to know about who the Republican party is afraid of... (Ooooh! They just called that "the conventional wisdom"!)

(BTW, I could totes start commenting about what the Republican party is sending me in emails these days... B-Dub?)

Aw, crap. Paultard alert!
(Heee! "Welcome to Lake Woebegone." Zing!)

Alright. Here comes the big money: Ferraro. (You know, I met her at a Fordham alumni event. She came across... okay. I guess.)

(BTW, I, too, was really, really stunned by how much greater the Democratic turnout has been in these primaries. Yays, Dems!!)

She acknowledges that she is not a superdelegate. ("Nineteenhundred and eighty-two"? Who are you? And then she says "two hundred twenty-five"? WTF?)

I definitely agree with her that the enthusiasm in the Democratic party has been engendered by both Obama and Clinton.

Sooo... She's implicitly saying that Florida's governor supported Giuliani?

Wow, Mary, you were spot on with your summary of what she said!

Oh my GAWWWWD! Did she just say "not because they're white"?? The fuck?

Yeah!! Go, Margarita!! (Oh, also, I was initially given a Democrat "card" when I went to vote on Super Tuesday. I didn't impart any nefarious motive to it -- especially 'cause the chick who signed me in told me that she was Republican representative, or some such -- but I do find it rather funny that I've been hearing other folks having had a similar experience.)

Aaaaaaand... that's a wrap! Off to find out who was voted off Make Me A Supermodel!

p.s. Yes, yes. This is what I do while Jer's in Green Bay. Sigh.

Boywonderesq said...

Always love your comments, Irene. I'm sure we'd all get a kick out of some Republican proganda, a refreshing change from the Democratic propoganda.

DorothyMantooth said...

Awwwww! Thanks, B-Dub!
I'll start accumulating my thoughts on the RNC emails post haste.
To start, they were totes pushing plush elephants as Valentine's Day gift ideas last month.

Anonymous said...

THIS is why Irene needs to start her own blog - a Republican counterpart to this NY Times reading-carbon footprint reducing-gay marriage supporting-spotted owl saving-Obama donating-West Wing watching liberal rag.

DorothyMantooth said...

I'll make you a deal, Mary:
I'll start a blog when you do!

(Or else promise to be the most prolific commenter on yours!) ;-)