Thursday, March 27, 2008


Obama's momentum stopped cold when Clinton won Texas. With the primary in Pennsylvania sure to go to Clinton, everyone expected a drawn-out fight until there was a clear front runner. But, somehow, things have turned so that Obama is once again in a position of strength. Even though he's still expected to lose Pennsylvania, the only large state left in play, the party is lining up behind him. Maybe it was his speech on race, or maybe it was Clinton's negative ads backfiring. But Obama has maneuvered so that he is still the front runner, even though he will surely lose the next primary. And there did not appear to be anything political about it, no fingerprints from the Obama campaign. That's political skill the Clintons will never be able to replicate.


Mary said...

However insignificant the numbers may seem, people seem to have responded to the whole Pastor issue with greater feelings of negativity toward Clinton. As the WSJ reports: "Among all voters, 48% have negative feelings toward her and 37% positive, a decline from a net positive 45% to 43% rating in early March." She should have just applauded Obama's speech re: race relations and used it as an opportunity to win over (or keep) some black voters for herself. Poorly played.

Anonymous said...

Today's Gallup poll results have Obama leading Clinton 52% - 42% nationally (the largest lead ever). Definitely poorly played on her part this weekend.
And, having personally seen the Obama machine in action at Philly headquarters this past week as a volunteer - the momentum, organization and volunteers (300 people in 1 of the 20 PA offices alone) are definitely there!