Sunday, August 3, 2008

I Place Too Much Importance On My Facebook Status

  • Marino told me on Friday what is perhaps the funniest story I've heard in a long time. His friend, a young lawyer at Paul Weiss, based on a dare, stated, on the record at a deposition, "Are you intimidated by how handsome I am?" The partner pulled him out of the deposition and threw him off the case. Ahh, the life and priorities of a Horace Mann graduate.
  • At the firm bbq on Saturday, I was told that I drank a lot and that I was the whiffle ball mvp. I don't believe either of them. My ipod playlist, however, was a universal hit.
  • On Mad Men, one of the secretaries points out that the main character is having an affair with a woman outside the office because, "He's so good looking that he can look outside the office." I had to pause the dvd after hearing that line, since that represents and significant part of my career. These guys are only able to have relationships with these women based on the power that they have from their positions at work.
  • I can almost understand why Obama isn't running a more aggressive campaign against McCain. He realizes that the last thing an African-American candidate can do is get angry.
  • My weird dream: I couldn't understand why I had to take the Bar exam again, when I just took it two years ago. So I said, "Andrew, we're not doing this again. Francesca (our 5-year-old niece) has to take the Bar for the first time, but we've already passed so we're leaving." So we went back to the movie theater where, for some reason, I suddenly found myself naked, again.
  • Favorite products: Downey wrinkle releaser, Burt's Bees cuticle wax, Visine Tears, Neosporin with pain relief, Nivea face balm, shirt collar stays.
  • My Greatest Idea Ever: I put the wine bottle AND the ice pack into the sandwich cooler we got from Daniel's Bat Mitvah, so that the wine not only got cold, but stayed cold at the park. Freakin' genius!


Anonymous said...

You use cuticle wax? Do you apply it right before snuggling up in your pink sheets, and massaging your recent castration?

Anonymous said...

oh Yael, you're too good at this!

Boywonderesq said...

Have you seen what I do to my nails??? And have you felt how downy soft the pink sheets are???

DorothyMantooth said...

Yael, why stop at the cuticle wax?

Downey wrinkle releaser, Burt's Bees cuticle wax, Visine Tears, Neosporin with pain relief, Nivea face balm, shirt collar stays.

Nil, I hate to have to tell you this. But you're a beard, darlin'!

Boywonderesq said...

Are you intimidated by how handsome I am?

Anonymous said...

HA HA I got him the Burt's Bees cuticle wax and Nivea face balm. I like my man handsome and groomed, thank you.

DorothyMantooth said...

Pssst! Hey, Nil! You know who else is handsome and groomed?
This dude.