Monday, July 7, 2008

Jon & Kate +8

My new guilty pleasure is Jon & Kate Plus 8. It's a reality show about a couple in Central Pennsylvania with a set of 6-year-old twin girls, and a set of sixtuplets (3 boys, 3 girls). What really interests me is the dad, who's barely over 30. His days, when he's not working as an IT guy, are spent following 8 kids around and doing everything he can not to piss off his control-freak of a wife.

The dad has moved beyond being happy or sad with his life. He's in survival mode. It's not that he's unhappy or that he doesn't love his kids. It's just a hectic life, and the only time he seems genuily relaxed is when he's playing golf. I can't help but feel for him. But maybe that's just because he's being careful about what he says on camera. I think about how often Nilda gets mad at me for saying things I'm not supposed to say, and I'm only talking to Andrew. And this guy's on tv, so you KNOW he's in trouble a lot. If you're interested, I highly recommend it. It's good for your vagina.


Mary said...

This is one of my favorite shows (surprise, surprise). Do you think maybe I like it because I identify with Kate? Hmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this show. Kate is even more of a control freak mom than I ever will be, which makes me laugh (and a little relieved) HA HA. My favorite scene ever is when Kate asks "the babies" who don't even speak yet, "Who has a poopy diaper? Raise your hand." and 2 of the 6 raise their hands from their cribs. They are like a year old! Funniest scene ever. LOL

Anonymous said...

It is a shame that you are forced to censor what you are allowed to say to your brother.

Boywonderesq said...

Who said I'm censoring what I say to my brother? I tell him he's a loser everyday. Someone is taking this a little too literally, and then hiding behind anonymity.

Anonymous said...

yeah, maybe "anonymous" is reading into this a bit too literally otherwise the post would literally mean the only person you speak to in the entire world is Andrew.

Anonymous said...

Can I comment a week later? I have also liked this show since it aired. But I can't watch anymore because I think Jon should divorce her. Having kids doesn't mean you have to suck as a person. Sorry. 8 kids is no excuse, Kate.