Monday, January 31, 2011

Can You Explain Internet?

Ah, the 90s. The forgotten decade. How misunderstood you remain. You remain a jumble of Generation X, Ben Stiller, Structure, Lisa Loeb, Friends, loud print clothing, three-disc CD players, boring economic booms, VCR rentals, a band called Live and, of course, the arrival of the internets. I remember my roommate and I going to the computer lab late at night on a Tuesday after wondering what would happen if we typed in "" The wonders that awaited us. Here are three very white people trying to figure out what the internet is. Thanks for the link, Mom!!


70MPH70 said...

That is fantastic.

DorothyMantooth said...

Whoa! Serious ramifications, B-Dub. I hope you're proud of yourself.

Boywonderesq said...

Why is NBC so embarrassed by this video? Not too many people knew what the internet was in 1994? If anything, NBC should be honored that anyone would consider the Today Show such a standard of what people thought at the time. Wussy Bryant Gumble.

DorothyMantooth said...

I totally don't get it, either. Especially because they apparently aired the segment themselves before it was posted to YouTube!