Monday, January 17, 2011

Wearing Ladies Slippers

The week before Christmas, Matt and I went to Lord & Taylor to buy Ugg slippers, me for Nilda and him for his sister. I asked the sales lady if they had Uggs for men, to which Matt replied, with clear disdain, "What?!?! No way." Two weeks later, Matt has a pair of Ugg slippers all his own. Two weeks after that, I now have my own.

These things are amazing. I've never worn slippers before, but now I don't want to take them off. It keeps my toes warm and even though my ankles get cold I don't mind. I don't know physics so I can't truly understand it. All day, I look forward to coming home so I can put my slippers on. What the hell has happened to me? As Matt says, "It's like my feet are having sex. It's not the straightest thing I've ever said, but it feels good so I'm going with it."


DorothyMantooth said...

You could have gotten non-Ugg slippers like these that I got for Jer & your ankles could have been having sex done to them, too. Sucker!

70MPH70 said...

I'm sending this pic to Rex Ryan.

I love Mark Sanchez said...

Yer both gee.