Friday, June 6, 2008

A Cotton Ball Died In Our Bedroom

Everyone, this is the new rug. New rug, this is everyone.

This is all Nilda's fault. Luckily, I can make snow angels in it.


Anonymous said...

and snow angels he promptly made!
yes, it's white, but admit it, it feels so good under the toes.

um, yeah, I measured... 8 feet in diameter is big, but it fits (just barely) thank god! te quiero =)

Anonymous said...

Are the sheets on your bed pink? Brian, you need to go see SATC again, and then rent 27 Dresses, the first 10 seasons of Oprah and Fried Green Tomatoes and watch them in bed on your laptop with the pink sheets pulled up over your chin, while you have a good, cleansing girl sob.

Boywonderesq said...

Actually, the sheets are pink, thank you very much. Pink is the new power color. And I'm too busy bawling at "Bridge to Terebithia" to watch the first 10 season of Oprah, again.