Monday, June 23, 2008

Bad Ass Of The Day: George Carlin

I tried watching a George Carlin special on HBO a few months ago and couldn't get through it. It was long-winded, a bit elitist and a lot dated. And he looked terrible, a lot older than his 71 years. But he was still awesome. He turned down a successful career as a clean-cut comedian to become a counterculture comic for their pot-smoking kids. He kept up his routine even though it led to an arrest for obscenity. It was his balls early on that led to his later elevation to icon. Here's a link to his "Seven Dirty Words" routine from his prime, which was specifically mentioned in a Supreme Court decision about obscenity.

1 comment:

TheMediaDude said...

The "Seven Dirty Words" case is very memorable among 2Ls taking Con Law!