Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Clinton As VP

So Hillary Clinton did not endorse Obama, as I predicted. But that's just because she's intimidated by The Most Important Blog In The World.

The real question now is whether Hillary will be the VP nominee. She will not. Yes, she told her supporters that she would accept the slot if offered to her, but that was just for show. This is because (1) she doesn't play second fiddle to anyone and (2) she knows that Obama would not ask her. But she has to at least give the appearance of being willing to accept the position so that she doesn't look like a sore loser.

You can really see the fact that Hillary knows her campaign season is over by Bill's statements yesterday that it would be his last time working on a campaign. Clearly, he should support whoever is the Democratic nominee, especially since he's not trying to stay out of politics. But Bill Clinton, like Brian, doesn't campaign for anyone other than himself. Ever.


Anonymous said...

from the number of heated "discussions" that have taken place in our household, mostly disagreements over the boywonder's predictions (most of which I have disagreed with) - I will simply say: Brian has no idea what is going to happen next.

Don't Be So Dramatical said...

It is a sad day for Democrats, for women, and for all of America.

TheMediaDude said...

It's always a sad day when Brian is wrong. Thank the Lord that rarely happens.

Anonymous said...

It's an incredible day when you can feel inspired by a leader who is global & visionary (as evidenced by the 32,000! people that went to hear Obama speak last night). I couldn't even bare to listen to McCain for more than 10 minutes (that and there were like 200 old guys in the room while he kept smirking and repeating, "that's not change you can believe in." He said the word change 33 times.) At least Clinton had like 500 happy people in her basement room (mostly flaming gay guys waving mini flags).
Now at least I can stop worrying about possibly having another Clinton scandel-laden presidency...
Oh yeah, that's because, finally, I agree with my husband on this one, Clinton does not make a good VP and will not be chosen as VP.

I was right that she would not concede or endorse Obama last, but I say she will endorse him before the end of the week after more super D's do so.

p.s. you must check out Obama's speech to AIPAC this morning - incredibly strong stance.

DorothyMantooth said...

I don't think he'll tap her as his running mate, either. But I do think Sullivan's idea that she be made into some sort of Health Care Czar is a good one.

TheMediaDude said...

I am for Obama, but I wish Hillary had gotten her shot. I am not the first person to wish the 2 of them could have been better spaced out. I do not feel inspired anymore. I just want someone else in the White House.

Half drunk in a hotel room,
Mr. Jaded

Anonymous said...

At first I thought that HRC was setting Obama up to force him to offer her the VP - if she conceded right away and threw her support behind him, then he would look like the bad guy if he didn't "unite the party" by offering her a spot on the ticket. But, now it seems highly unlikely, mostly for reason #1 given by TMIBITW. One would think that Cheney's ability to run the country for 8 years as VP would convince her that she could do the same, but Obama's no Dubbya.

The the best reason not have her as VP - seems that Obama really doesn't like her (and she doesn't like him). And after all the crap that she's pulled in the primary, I don't blame him.

But why is this a sad day for Democrats and America, exactly (sad day for women: OK, I'll give you that)? Sounds like someone's being a little bit dramatical.