Thursday, April 17, 2008

Over-analyzing & the Law

Our reply in the case before the Court of Appeals is due tomorrow. This one was hard. I'm not so worried about the arguments defendants made in their brief, as much as I'm trying to close any loopholes the court may rely on to deny the motion.

This morning, I was getting my dirty water coffee with another lawyer from the office, and we were discussing some Supreme Court cases that are involved. The dirty water coffee guy (the very same!) said, "I have no idea what you guys are talking about" or something. (Side note: he's a computer programming expert).

This got me thinking about what makes the law so intimidating. Then, washing dishes, I realize it: the law is about overthinking everything. It's about taking a simple fact pattern and analyzing the hell out of it, far beyond any reasonable limits. It's not that the law is hard, just not worth the effort for most people.

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