Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday Night Thoughts

  • McCain is running a predictable, safe and boring campaign, focusing on yesterday's issues that no one is excited about. Short of an attack of some kind, his campaign is doomed to failure.
  • We won a huge motion for summary judgment in the SDNY last week, with Hellerstein denying the motion from the bench. That...was awesome.
  • Texas' messed up rules for the primary means that there will be caucuses, and that, based on turnout in the last gubernatorial election, certain predominatly Latino districts will have less delgates assigned than predominantly African-American districts. Bottom line, Obama has a shot at winning Texas.
  • Nilda knows how to spell "gubernatorial."
  • Is McCain's wife hot? I'm still not sure.
  • Older, white women will never desert Hillary. Ever.
  • Nilda and I saw Michael Clayton this weekend. I love how every movie dealing with lawyers is either (a) the struggling plaintiff's lawyer or (b) the disillusioned corporate attorney. That means that plaintiff's lawyers are the good guys. Sorry, Matt.
  • Nilda hates Chris Matthew's turkey neck. She does. She hates his turkey neck.
  • In 1992, James Carville's strategy for Bill Clinton was that if they were attacked, they would attack back, to prove that he won't get pushed around as President. Obama is following that same strategy now.
  • Obama's ability to remain cool in the face of Hillary's and McCain's attacks is his greatest asset.
  • Damn, Friday Night Lights is an amazing show!!
  • Given the focus on ideas, particularly in the muslim world, we would be better served with a president who is a campaigner of ideas, rather than as a military leader. The ability to win the battle of ideas now matters more than military experience.
  • Light makes me sneeze. Its called a "photic sneeze reflex." Deal with it.
  • The tv networks cut off Clinton's speech to focus on Obama's. He just won.


Anonymous said...

Noah also has "photic sneeze reflex." Fascinating stuff, isn't it?

Re: the lawyer/Michael Clayton thing... so a few weeks ago, the boys and I went uptown to see daddy at work. noah announces on the way there (upon seeing all the cranes and construction) that he wants to be a "construction guy" when he grows up and that luke can be "an office guy like dad." when I told noah that his daddy was a lawyer, he asked what a lawyer is. no kidding, i was stumped. for probably 3 minutes I just sat there trying to think of an answer that would make any sense at all to an almost 4 year old. I came up with "dad helps banks loan people money." he had no response.

DorothyMantooth said...

...but neither of you knows how to spell "predominantly," nor the difference between "less" and "fewer."

Also, yay for the Noah shoutout!
You know he's gonna come to you in a week and go, "What's a bank?"
Get ready!

DorothyMantooth said...

Also also, the blog looks weird now!

Anonymous said...

oh, Irene, I have learned to fight only the "big" spelling/grammar battles such as gubernatorial and it's, otherwise I would be editing his blog all night. Did you notice he misspelled delegates too? Bet you missed that one!

Anonymous said...

Hi Noah's brother's dad's wife!! 'bout time you made an appearance.
let me know when the fascination with ACHOO/photic sneeze relfex gets old! LOL

DorothyMantooth said...

Ha!! I did miss "delgates [sic]" -- but only because I had to stop reading after the less/fewer mess-up. I hate that one!

Also, how come the blog looks so weird now?

Anonymous said...

I'm officially naming Cindy Hensley McCain as "Hottest Campaign Candidate Spouse." Not only is she a beautiful mother of 4(what is she a size 0?) but she is LOADED too! The family business is Anheuser-Busch - she's the perfect woman! ha ha

It's just a spacing issue (to be fixed tonight), but I do like the new color...

Anonymous said...

The first new color was scary, but, under the circumstances, understandable, since I remember how much of a pain in the ass it was to play trivial pursuit with the hellers ("Which one is brown? Wait, is that green?"). New new color much easier on the eyes.

And trust me, no one ever confuses the good guys and the disillusioned corporate lawyer. Could you imagine how differently Matthew McConaughey's (looked up the sp on that one, Irene) summation in A Time to Kill would have been if he were arguing that the investment portfolio of his client, JP Morgan Chase, had been horribly victimized by Countrywide's predatory subprime lending practices?

And yes, we laugh almost every time Noah sneezes when he steps into the sunlight. His grandpa Bobo has it too.

DorothyMantooth said...

Whoa, Matt!
Are you stalking me, or is this just some sort of weird coincidence?

At any rate, color me impressed!

Anonymous said...

LOL I know, it's hereditary! Our poor child... I can just imagine it now, walking out of a mall with Brian & kid Heller and BOTH of them sneezing at the sunlight - that will make ME the normal one??

Boywonderesq said...

What I don't understand is how you can walk out into the bright daylight and not sneeze.

DorothyMantooth said...

I know, that's crazy, B-Dub!
It's like doing laundry and not craving tuna tartar.
Or having your nails done and not getting Foghat's "Slow Ride" stuck in your head!

Anonymous said...

No, I'm not stalking you, so it seems that you and I just seem to think alike.


DorothyMantooth said...

Given my last comment, I admit I'd be freaked out if I were you, too.