Monday, February 4, 2008

Boywonderesq Officially Endorses Obama

After much speculation and courting by both sides, officially endorses Barack Obama for the Democratic Presidential Candidate. While Hillary Clinton would make a great president, she is cut from the same partisan politics that have dominated for the past two decades. Obama, the first candidate from Generation X, represents the first attempt to transcend that mold of politics and turn the page to the next stage of American History. As aptly put in today's Doonesbury, Obama is "the first black Kennedy."

Some may question the influence of "special interests" (Nilda) on this endosement. The truth is that it has taken many months to arrive at the bold and courageous action taken herein. Indeed, that fact that the "special interests" are on strike from cooking bears witness to the impartiality of this endorsement. But that's for another post.


Anonymous said...

The cooking strike is COMPLETELY unrelated to the election! Don't start mud-slinging!!

Anonymous said...

Go Hillary! xoxo Lilah

Boywonderesq said...

Don't make me sing "Wings of Change" by The Scorpions, Lilah. You don't want that. Trust me.

Boywonderesq said...

Even the Grateful Dead reunited for a concert to support Obama in San Francisco yesterday. Who knew there were enough members still alive to have a quorum!

Anonymous said...

Lilah is on her way downtown to cast her vote for the 1st female president!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, a vote for Clinton simply because she's a woman is a waste of a precious vote. Not only will she not beat McCain and be unable to pass legislation through the Republicans in Congress, but she is a humiliation to strong, intelligent women with values and scruples everywhere.

I'm proud of you honey for voting for a better America for our children. te quiero! =)

Anonymous said...

Lilah just cast her vote for the first female president because we BELIEVE in her viewpoints and policies. We don't need to justify our choice. You have made your opinions very clear, so please respect ours!

Boywonderesq said...

All opinions are respected here (except for Andrew's, obuviously). Hillary certainly is a polarizing figure, but I'm still not sure why.

TheMediaDude said...

The Dead reunited for Obama?!? Oh man, that's so rad. It's just so cool. Like, wow. Huh. Wait. What did I just say? Man, I'm so wasted. Who are we talking about again?

DorothyMantooth said...

Tsk. So selfish, Brian.
Just imagine what this endorsement might've accomplished had you bothered to make it more than one day before the primary!

I can just see Barack now. Hanging his head and shaking it slowly back and forth, while a single tear creeps its way silently down his velvety smooth, idealistic Cheek Of Change.