Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yes, I have been negligent in my blogging lately. Here's an update, because the world needs to know.
  • Matt & Mary are moving to Minneapolis. We wish them well, but recognize that this means the apocolypse is truly upon us.
  • I watched the first half of the awesome Philadelphia/Dallas game at Andrew's on Monday night. Lilah couldn't tell the difference between us. She called me "dada" and said "yes" when asked if there were "two daddys." She's awesome.
  • My iphone is everything I wanted it to be. I'm never going back.
  • The cable went out last night. This meant that we lost not only tv, but our internet connection, telephone and scheduled dvr shows, making it a crisis that is at least on par with the collapse of AIG. At least I was able to check the NYTimes from my iphone. Still, there's no coverage from the liberal, elistist media.
  • The best description I've heard of Sarah Palin is that she's the mean cheerleader at school. No, wait. The best description I've heard is that you can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
  • I couldn't get "tell me what you want, what you really, really want out" out of my head yesterday. It was horrible.
  • Modern man came out of Africa about 100,000 years ago. Modern civilization started in Mesopotamia 12,000 years ago. Writing developed 5,500 years ago. Friday night, all of that progress came to an end as Nilda and I suffered through 10,000 BC.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

god i actually missed your blog