Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm Not Going To Puss Out And Call This "Untitled"

  • My work week is very busy, and the UN General Assembly is meeting this week. Coincidence?
  • I doesn't mean anything when Obama's up in the polls, since he'll be down next week and it'll keep going up and down before the election. But damn does it feel good when he's up in the polls.
  • I don't want to read or write about Sarah Palin, but she's just so damn interesting I can't help myself. As bad of a pick she is, as much as she reminds me of Harriet Meyers, she's the smartest thing McCain has done this election. I want a Sarah Palin action figure for my office.
  • Fringe = X Files. I didn't watch X Files, and I don't want to watch Fringe either, Nilda. But I can't say anything because she still hasn't forgiven me for making her sit through the first hour of Speed Racer.
  • Time Warner Cable now has a feature where the caller ID comes up on the tv. This is big news in our house.
  • Hey white blue collar worker, when they tell you that the country is run by liberal elites, THEY'RE MANIPULATING YOU!!
  • Jen Simon finally has a blog, bringing you glorious hits such as this.
  • Nilda and I were walking through a street fair on the Upper West Side on Sunday, when we saw a group of about 50 people walking through with McCain paraphernalia everywhere. Luckily, we were both decked out in our Obama shirts. Everyone around us started screaming O-ba-ma as they walked by (not me of course, I don't campaign), especially this almost-retired couple that were really pissed. I couldn't stop thinking about the older African-American man walking in support of McCain. What's his deal?
  • Blogging has suddenly become hard. I've apparently run out of ideas and motivation.
  • I said "hard."


Anonymous said...

I couldn't even read Jen's blog because I was laughing too hard at the name of it.

I said hard too.

I agree that blogging is very hard. But jesus Brian, someone has to do it. So grow a pair.

Boywonderesq said...

Thanks, Bristol. I hope our secret love baby has your sense of humor.

Jen Simon said...

thanks for the shout out. maybe i'll have FIVE readers now :)