Monday, September 8, 2008

Censored Book Of The Month Club

Man, I had a good post. Mom forwarded me an email listing all of the books Sarah Palin sought to ban from the Wasilla Public Library when she was mayor. I had it all written up, listing about 30 books, then I decided to get a link to prove that it was true. It is not.

The good news is that the truth is just as interesting. After Palin first became mayor of Wasilla, she asked the city librarian, in the post for seven years, if she would be all right with censoring certain library books. The librarian said she would not, and then was joyously greeted a few months later with a letter from Palin telling her she would be fired. Apparently, Palin thought the librarian did not fully support her, and no one can keep a librarian who doesn't fully support the mayor. A public outcry led to the librarian keeping her job.

The list that's been circulating on email of the books Sarah Palin sought to ban is actually a list of all the books that have ever been banned in the US. Some of the books, including the Harry Potter books, were not even in existence at the time that Palin was mayor of Wasilla.

So thanks, Sarah. Thanks for ruining a blog that I spent 10 whole minutes working on. You ruin everything!

Still, you have to love that the Republicans have chosen a VP candidate who supports censoring books in public libraries. U-S-A!!! U-S-A!!! U-S-A!!!

1 comment:

Don't Be So Dramatical said...

Poor Uncle Bian! I'll take care of that b*tch if you'll baby on Sat afternoon? 4-8? Cause Lilah's awesome?