Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Palin's Daughter's Baby Daddy

I love the story about Sarah Palin's pregnant daughter. It's the perfect story, capable of being retold in many ways, with different motivations assigned to different characters, like a story from the bible. (A picture from today's NYTimes was supposed to be inserted here, but it magically disappeared during the time it took me to get home from work. Curse you, constantly updating NYTimes website!).

Here's my idea of what happens: Everyone is shocked and outraged by the pregnancy, but they have no choice, under the circumstances, but to accept the situation. The dad was scared before, but now a candidate for president is vouching for him and the girl's mom, who always loved him, is welcoming him with open arms. They get divorced in 3 years, but it's all good times right now.

PS - Brian Williams surprised me with how good he was on Saturday Night Live. He showed some of that on last night's Daily Show:

1 comment:

DorothyMantooth said...

Brian Williams is my Teevee News Anchor Boyfriend.
I luuuuuuuuurve him.