Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Letterman & Sexual Harassment

I know nothing about the case or what happened, and the following is not a legal opinion or advice blah blah blah, but in my EXPERT opinion, there does not seem to be much risk to CBS for a sexual harassment lawsuit. It doesn't look like any of the conduct was unwelcome and it's not against the law to have a relationship with your boss (though it's not a good idea to have a relationship with your employee). In short, unless some allegations come out about Letterman making threats to coerce these relationships, which seems highly unlikely, it's not a case I'd be interested in handling.


your wife said...

always with the completely unneccessary opining on the internets at your own risk... rrrr

DorothyMantooth said...

I'm certain that Letterman trolls the Most Important Blog In the World for legal advice. And that his fears will be greatly assuaged.