Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ode To The Laundry Basket

Thank you, laundry basket. My $9.99 investment (with a Bed Bath & Beyond coupon, of course) has been one of the best of my life. You make me a better person.

Gone are the days of me having to lug around the laundry bag. Finally, like when I was growing up, I can use you as a far superior method of transporting my dirty, and clean, laundry. You even go so far out of your way as to be the perfect clearance for the machines in the basement.

You truly are a blessed addition to our home. A benefit I had not even anticipated was that I can fold the laundry in living room, while watching Deadliest Catch of course, and then use you to transport said clean and folded laundry to the bedroom, to be put away.

It's like a miracle. So take a load off, Laundry Basket, and enjoy the rest of the evening. You've earned it.


DorothyMantooth said...

All this post is missing is an invocation of the Real Men of Genius.

TheMediaDude said...

Hats off, Boywonder. If only there were more Deadliest Catches on the way this season.

miss the interns said...

Hilarious post. But Laundry Basket looks pissed you put such mediocre clothes in it. It's an insult really.

Unknown said...

You have loved doing laundry since you were a teenager. I'm glad you have this new addition to your home.

Don't Be So Dramatical said...

I cant believe that your wife allowed such an ugly basket into her home! How did you won that one?

said wife said...

ah, we now have the space to store/hide it when not in use! that was my only requirement.