Sunday, July 19, 2009

My Most Important Blog Post Of The Evening

We hit a milestone this weekend. The contractor officially finished on Friday, putting up the kitchen backsplash, and we had our kitchen faucet installed on Saturday. It's almost like we really live here. Here's the kitchen thus far, sans microwave and working dishwasher:

Nilda's most-favorite-exciting-oh-my-god-this-is-going-to-change-my-life-appliance is the kitchen faucet, which is the touch sensitive Delta Pilar. It is pretty cool, I have to admit. I've seen a bunch of ads for it in National Geographic and on the Discovery Channel. I guess they know the spouses of their market. Show them how it works, Nilda:

Just like on tv! This weekend also marked our foray into the exciting and dangerous world of painting. We did the trim on Friday night. We don't paint the trim last, like you're supposed to. We do things the mavericky way and paint it first. Check out the before and after picks on the trim. Can you tell which pic is before and which is after? I can't.

We started painting in earnest on Saturday morning and finally finished around 9:00 that night. Don't ask, it took a while, all right?

Having finally finished painting, we were finally able to start putting things in their place, like the bar in the pic above. We spent most of Sunday putting away all the things that had to wait for us to finish painting. It's been a month exactly since we moved and we finally were able to put this stuff away. It was glorious. Here's the cabinet under the kitchen sink and the bookcase. It may look like cleaning supplies and books to you, but it looks like six empty boxes to me:

The place is finally starting to come together and I love love love it. Btw, did you know that they are planning a remake of Red Dawn? This is a movie that just HAS to be made. WOLVERINES!!!!