Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sex And The Shitty

This morning, Nilda asked me to go see the Sex in the City movie with her this weekend. Let me be clear: I hated Sex in the City series. I found it boring, pretentious and completely out of touch with the reality of life in New York City. I was also painfully aware that so many women identified with the show and particularly its characters, which made my failure to relate to those characters all the more frustrating. The show was a reminder that I was not living the way that I was supposed to, even though it was a way of life I did not want and could not understand. I understood exactly why people either loved the show or hated it.

The movie seems different, and the reviews have been overwhelming positive. The critics have said that while it remains true to the original series, it is not a traditionally happy story, and it focuses on the sense of aging of the characters, and that its the finale the show should have had. It's surprising to me that a show that embodied the pre-9/11 New York is still so powerfully relevant and anticipated, and I have to admit I'm curious to see it.

Furthermore, Sarah Jessica Parker's interview on the Today show this morning made want to see the movie. She seemed grateful for the opportunity to have made the film, and pleased that the movie would finally be over so she could spend more time with her son. When asked about making a sequel, she said something like, "You'll have to ask my son."

So, yes, I'm going to see the movie, but not because I want to, but because (1) I'm a good husband and (2) it offers insight into the present cultural climate (you know, for the blog and stuff). Don't worry, though, it's not a total loss for me. Now I've got "There Will Be Blood" as number one in the netflix queue, and you just know that Nilda is DYING to see that.


Anonymous said...

Um, I don't know what to say. Nilda, it's against the law to bring a husband to that movie. I know you have girlfriends, but if need be, I'll take the first BA flight I can catch back to NY to accompany you. Brian, I kind of hope you go. Then I can make fun of you until eternity. And then when eternity runs out, you will be tied for biggest loser in America with Bob Guiney from the fourth season of The Bachelor, which means automatic eternity overtime, and then I will keep making fun of you.

Anonymous said...

OK, my tried & true chic flick girlfriend is out of town this weekend at (yet another) wedding that isn't hers and I want to see the S&TC movie before it gets ruined for me - I already know something sad happens. ugh. So, I asked my wonderful husband to go see it with me - it is a a love story after all: a love of men, friends, and cosmos! You're gonna love it papi!! LOL

TheMediaDude said...

I haven't heard positive reviews. I heard that the movie is out of touch (Carrie still doesn't know how to use a cell phone) and relies too much on what it was without ackowledging how the world has changed since the show went off the air.

I also hated the show and have no desire to see the show. Then again, I loved The First Wives Club and how it showed how getting older is an empowering force for women.

Have fun, homo.

Don't Be So Dramatical said...

Andrew SOOOOOOO graciously offered to babysit when I asked him if I could go see SATC tonight. Love you boo!

tom mattback said...

I too am at home with the kids while the wife is at the movies (after drinks - cosmos, i assume) seeing SITC with her friend katie. sweetie understands that if she wanted to see that movie, it wouldn't be with me. i hate that show and those frigging beeyatches.

brian - where exactly does nilda keep your balls? still in that jar in the kitchen?

Boywonderesq said...

My balls are in your mom's mouth, right where they belong. Hi, Mrs. Tomback!

Mary said...

Dude, I'm Mrs. Tomback. Now I'm gonna throw up.

DorothyMantooth said...

I am clearly the only woman around here with taste. That is all.

Also, here you guy, Bri. You and these guys.