Thursday, October 13, 2011

Porn For Mommies

All mothers take pride and enjoyment in setting up a baby's room. It's a combination of design and functionality, requirement research and forethought. It's the female equivalent of packing the suitcases and bags into the trunk. Here's the perfect little boy room that Nilda has put together so far:

I tried to prevent Nilda from putting flowers everywhere, but since I've failed at that in my own life, I don't see how Nilda's son is going to escape flowers, either. Notice how the lamp and rug are Penn State's colors. And Nilda has advised me that the little ottoman from Target is, in fact, staying, which apparently was a matter of much debate. For the record, the chair rail was my idea. It's not something I'm proud of. Later on, I'll post pictures of furniture and crib, but this is all I can take for tonight.

Speaking of little boys, this is a video a guy shot of his son watching Empire Strikes Back and learning that Darth Vader is Luke's dad. Look at the disbelief and shock this kid goes through.

P.S. - Someone please get this out of my head.


DorothyMantooth said...

Yay! (FINALLY. Hmph.)
It looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Also, that feeling is called "nesting." Heathen.

In other news, I'm convinced that that video is fake. (Because I am a heartless cynic.) And I finally succumbed and bought the Foster the People album after watching this.

Unknown said...

Lovely nursery. Just adorable. But where the hell are WE going to sleep?

the pregnant wife said...

Oh, Mary, I know! We may have to get you a lovely air mattress. LOL