Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I finally dragged Nilda out to the far ends of the Earth (i.e. Coney Island) for pizza. I am the most accomplished husband of all time. We went to Totonno's, which you've never heard of but is wicked famous for pizza. We had to wait 1 hour 15 minutes just to get inside. Then another 45 at the table for the pizza. Going on a Saturday at 4:30 pm was perhaps not the ideal time. Here's Nilda happily waiting outside, not at all saying goddammit how did I let Brian drag me out here all for stupid pizza. You can even see the hipsters waiting in line in front of us. God damn you, hipsters.

The pizza was fantastic. It was thin, like they said it would be, but wasn't as insubstantial as I thought it might be. We had a half cheese, half pepperoni and it was a perfect combo. The sauce was the best part, tasted like actual tomatoes. It was a lot like John's, though John's had more sauce. Nilda says nothing is worth waiting two hours for. Keen observation, Nilda. Now I need to decide where I want to make Nilda go with me next. Patsy's?

Anyway, Nilda owes me because, as part of her nesting, I have agreed to move my large amplifier down in our storage bin. Goodbye, old friend. We'll meet again soon, when The Heller Theory makes it huge. Any day now. Frankly, I think the amp should stay and that Nilda is being unreasonable. What newborn wouldn't want a Fender 200 Bassman in their room? Instead, he's going to have to settle for a Hartke kickback. It's just wrong.

I'm already picking out potential bandmates for this kid. I'm looking at you, kid inside Julie T. They can start a Beatles cover band in high school, though Julie's kid will live in (gulp) New Jersey. Nilda says our kid has a very good chance of being cool. I said, "Nilda, come on. It's MY kid."

Here's Nilda looking ridiculously adorable at 21 weeks, which means we're over half way there. Only 19 weeks to go.

Speaking of ridiculously adorable, donde esta el umbligito?


Bill said...

How did the hipsters burn their mouths?

They ate their pizza before it was cool.

Boywonderesq said...

Where's the "delete comment" button? Where's the "delete comment" button???

the wife said...

That was funny, Bill!

Unknown said...

Adorable indeed.

Matt had to get rid of the subwoofer when I was pregnant with Noah.

DorothyMantooth said...

Bill proves once and for all which one is the Funny Heller!

(And Nil is the Platonic Ideal of Adorable Pregnant People!)