Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bo Ssam

I was going to write this last night, but when I got home, the toilet and bathtub had backed up and the base of the toilet had been flooding since three with no end in sight. We had to use a Shamwow that the super gave us to soak up the water and put it into a bucket, which we then had to constantly empty. The flooding didn't stop until 9:30, and then we had to clean up the black rust from pipes that had backed up into our tub and sink. Then the shower head broke off when I tried to move it to clean the tub and I swear to God, Nilda, I did NOT move it hard enough to break it. Oh, and the light bulb went out, too. Really, it was a great night. Nilda says thank god we had watched True Blood on Sunday night. Thank god, Nilda. Lesson = Shamwow is amazing and everybody should own one.

Anyway, the point is that we went to Momofuko Ssam Bar on Sunday night to celebrate Jeremy's birthday. I will always remember the first time I met Jeremy. Jeremy and I had just started law school in the same section and it was the first day of Magnetti's torts class. Magnetti asked what possible tort there could be for a cemetery losing a body and he was all impressed when Jeremy said "trespass to chattel." I remember Jeremy sitting there with this shit eating grin, like he had just been tapped to join an elite group of asshole law students. Then there was tax law in second year when we got the same exact grade, even though I went to class and studied and made an outline and Jeremy stayed in the apartment and never did the assignments and only read Gilbert's right before the exam. Fucking dick. He's been one of my closest friends ever since. Happy birthday, asshole.

There were eight of us on Sunday and we had ordered the Bo Ssam weeks in advance. It's a huge pork shoulder from Niman Ranch that is slow cooked for 36 hours and served whole, with lettuce, rice and sauces to make wraps. It was unbelievable and pulled apart with just tongs. Wrapped in lettuce, with the exact right proportion of rice and sauce, it went down easy and I kept making these little wraps. When you've had all you can, you realize just how giant the thing is. We went through both heads of lettuce and there was still a ton left over. Here's the damage.

Perhaps the best part of the night was that I was able to talk about the Eagles with Jeremy and his brother Greg for most of the night. God damn, they're looking good this year.

P.S. - Here's a website called animalsbeingdicks.com. It's exactly what it sounds like.


your wife said...

Fun night! I mean Bo Ssam not the disastrous 7 hours of fighting back the black flood waters...

DorothyMantooth said...

Gah!! At least you both had bellies full of pork to give you strength to fight off the tides.

Also, we're really GOOD AT EATING.