Monday, September 6, 2010

Drinking Outside Is Good

Ah, it's been a while. Hello to all. I write to advise you all about the magical wonder that is drinking outdoors. Yesterday, the plan was that Nilda and I would meet Jeremy & Irene at a beer garden and then go out to dinner. We are, however, talking about Jeremy & Irene, so that did not happen. (Am I right, Mary?) Anyway, Nilda and I found ourselves at the Biergarten at The Standard, since I am NOT getting Nilda to the beer garden in Astoria.

Beer...gardens...are...awesome. There is so much to be said about drinking outside that cannot be said while you're sober. Some of the reviews of this place said there aren't enough beer selections. But it's a beer garden, dumbass, you're lucky if you get three options (light, dark AND wheat). Nilda was into it, then throw in some bratwurst and she's in heaven.

Nilda and I then went to dinner at Colicchio & Sons, where we were, yet again, underwhelmed by Tom Colicchio. I want to like the guy from Top Chef, but it always seems to fall flat for us. At least Jeremy & Irene showed up just as we were finishing. Drinking after dinner is just as good as drinking before dinner.
It was decided that today would be take 2 at the beer garden. We started out at the rooftop bar at The Standard, which is literally above the High Line. Check out this picture of some douchebag in front of the hotel.

It was a good Labor Day weekend. This week is Rosh Hashanah, followed by a weekend of car shopping and football. It's looking like it will be a good fall.

1 comment:

Mary said...

You are correct, my good friend. It's nice to know some things never change. ;-) Even though Matt & I sadly aren't going to be able to be there, I would like to start the over/unders on what time their ceremony actually starts, as opposed to what time it's supposed to start. Hah! Man, we sure do miss all of you guys!