Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Best Rickroll Ever

Only Irene could find something like this.


DorothyMantooth said...

Irene and The Daily What!

tom mattback said...

If one can get through all of the apparent nonsense, Irene has some good stuff on Desalinary Bobbleheadnation, or whatever the f*ck that "dashboard" is. This is awesome - what we would we do without the Internet? And the Mr. Show clip, also awesome. I piss on your spit!

DorothyMantooth said...

Oh, Mattback. Silly, silly Mattback. Siiiiigh.

The Dashboard is not what you see on my Tumblr! The Dashboard is only what I get to see because I have a Tumblr! Dig?

Also, I will thank you not to refer to my deep philosophical musings about such Important Topics as bacon and nicknames for my Internet Friends as "apparent nonsense," thankyouverymuch.

tom mattback said...

I said "apparent" nonsense. It surely means something to someone, I just don't get it. And your "explanation" didn't help at all, so I turned to Wikipedia, and now at least I have a basic understanding of what it is that you're doing there with your blog. And you are apparently way ahead of the curve on this one - can't wait for the 24 hour unrelenting news coverage of tumblr as the "new twitter" or "better facebook" in about 3 months!

Best wishes on increasing your Tumblarity.

DorothyMantooth said...

Heehee! Thanks! (And now you understand what that was all about.)

Also, feel free to follow my Twitter! (You'll have to get your own account first, I'm afraid.) I follow Weird Al!