Thursday, January 15, 2009

President Bush

Bush's greatest failure has been his failure to act. He failed to prevent 9/11 (I'm done with the whole "no one could have known" argument, people told Bush and Condeleeza Rice and they ignored the warnings). He then failed to show any leadership on Katrina, torture, the housing bubble and the collapse of the economy. Most of all, he failed to control the forces in his administration that pushed to start a war that everyone now agrees should never have happened.

But still, after all that, I can't help but feel sorry for sorry for him. He'll be remembered as one of the worst Presidents in history, and given how the Presidency has become more visible and recognizable like never before, he will definitely stand out. But at the same time, it looks like the little guy did his best. There doesn't appear to be any malicious intent in the damage he's done, no mens rea. He's also enthusiastic about the transition to Obama, which is oddly reassuring.

I'm ok with feeling sorry for Bush mostly because Obama is taking over for him. I would feel completely different if McCain was being sworn in next week. If Bush had not been so terrible, it's doubtful that Obama could have won, that hope and a (black!) liberal democrat would have had a chance. The country seems to be back on track and Bush, as bad he was, is the vehicle that led us here. And that's not bad.


70MPH70 said...

It drives me absolutely insane that Republicans argue vehemently that Bush's legacy is that he kept us safe AFTER 9/11. WTF?!?!?! HOW BOUT 9/11? How does that not count against Bush at all? WORST ARGUMENT EVER and that is all they've got for pros from a two-term President.

And "kept us safe" also somehow carves out Katrina and the entire financial meltdown in their minds. Worst President ever.

I've always argued that Clinton's ego and libido led us to Bush's pretend social conservatism. I'll now always argue that people learned from President Bush that a President does have to be intellectually curious, intelligent, and open-minded. This led to the possibility of Obama.

Hopefully, Obama doesn't lead us to Gingrich, but it seems to make sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, puh-leeze with the feeling sorry for Bush - he just thinks everyone is being mean to him - he's got an IQ of 75 and should never have been President. I don't feel sorry for him, I feel sorry for the nation and the next generation that's going to have to shoulder our deficit!