Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day, Nilda.  You are the best mother in the entire world, with the exception of my mother, who is gorgeous, amazing, wonderful and who I love with all my heart, much more than Andrew.  (Lesson for Charlie = Always suck up to your mother.  That's where the bread is buttered.) 

This was Nilda's first Mother's Day, and it was a great one.  We saw Abuela, face timed with Mommom in Spain and had a great time, in spite of the fact that Charlie had a cold that kept him awake most of the weekend, which Nilda then caught, and then gave to me, and I had to work most of the weekend on an upcoming trial.  But Charlie FINALLY got his toe in his mouth so it's all good.
I also climbed up and went waaay in the back of the top top of Abuela's closet and took out Nilda's baby pictures and made the startling discovery that CHARLIE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE NILDA DID AS A BABY.  It's incredible.  Put Nilda's baby face on my baby head and you get Charlie.  Guess which one of these is Charlie?
Okay, maybe that wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.

P.S. - Here's Charlie modeling the fabulous, incredible quilt that Mrs. Rancier made for Charlie.  It deserves, and will receive it's own blog post. This portrait is titled, "I'm Sexy and I Know It."

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