Thursday, March 17, 2011


It's 11:55 pm on Thursday, I'm working to finish this brief that's due tomorrow, and I can't stop looking at this awful, awful video. Pleae help me. I can't stand everything about it. From the horrible, horrible words, to the horrible, horrible way she says "Friday," to the terrible production that her dad must have financed. Why is this so mesmerizing?? Be careful not to look too deep, you may not be able to turn away.


DorothyMantooth said...

I find it both fascinating and horrifying (fascifying!) that this video has taken the interwebs BY STORM, since all four times I've tried to click on it just to be able to share THE HORROR with my fellow man, I've never been able to last more than 3 seconds. True fact!

(Also, yes. Her moms evidently paid some company 2 grand for both the song and the video. And now Rebecca Black is A THING!)

Unknown said...

This video is the brutes. We we we we so excited. Sunday is afterwards. I'm never going to get back that 3 minutes of my life.

Boywonderesq said...

My favorite part is the "rapper," doing his "rapping" about how excited he is that it's Friday. Which seat can I take?