Monday, March 28, 2011

The Drunkard's Progress

This is an illustration from 1846 in support of the temperance movement. As you can see, it accurately portrays the stages of drinking:

Step 1. A glass with a Friend.

Step 2. A glass to keep the cold out.

Step 3. A glass too much.

Step 4. Drunk and riotous.

Step 5. The summit attained. Jolly companions. A confirmed drunkard.

Step 6. Poverty and disease.

Step 7. Forsaken by Friends.

Step 8. Desperation and crime.

Step 9. Death by suicide.

I figure I'm approaching Step 4, but I'm working my way up. I'll get there someday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm hovering between steps 5 and 6.