Monday, February 1, 2010

The Wire: Season 1

I promised Irene that if she lent me Season 1 of The Wire, I'd follow up in a blog post, so here it is, Irene. Yes, The Wire is incredible. An amazing show. Even Nilda loved it and, believe me, it was not easy to get her to start watching. Even then, it still took a few episodes to get her into it.

In trying to write why I like the show, I realize that I'm only blogging for the people who read this who actually watch The Wire. Both of them. Irene and Jeff. Hey, guys. You got me to watch it so thanks. Everything about it is complicated. Even at the big conclusion, no one is happy about the resolution. A cop show that I could actually like. Season 2: Disc 1 is number one on the netflix queue. Ok, that's enough.

By the way, Irene, this post on your "blog" was amazing. (It's about the relative size of everything in the universe so save your comments, people.)


Boywonderesq said...

By the way, the guy who plays Bubble's friend was the lead character in Kids.

Mary said...

Your non-Wire watching readers are bored by this topic.

DorothyMantooth said...

Mary, if you are dismissive of The Wire? I WILL CUT YOU.
Yes. This will be Your Passover Experience. Get ready.

B-Dub, it only gets better. F'reals, season 2 is absolutely my fave, though you'll get folks who will argue with me about other seasons being the greatest... The opening scene of season 3? Oh. Em. Gee. (I was actually about to maybe-spoiler something here, but I ain't gonna, on further reflection.)

Also, you realize that the season 1 disc(s) that you borrowed came from the BOX SET? Which means you can get season 2 FROM US?

(Also also? Bubbles is the heart of the series. Foreal!)

DorothyMantooth said...

Oh! And speaking of spoilers, remind Jer to tell you about how he met the dude that plays the FBI agent at the beginning of one of the seasons -- and he spoilered THE CLIMAX of the whole season! It's a doozy.