Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thank You

This is the actual thank you card that I sent to Uncle Allan and Aunt Sheila after my Bar Mitzvah, when I was 13:

"Uncle Allan, Aunt Sheila, Lisa and Amy,

Thank you very much for your gift. I want you to know that I spent it all on drugs and whores. All of it. Send more if you got some. By the way, I hope you're enjoying my Bat Mitzvah cards as much as I am. Mazel tov on your achievement.



DorothyMantooth said...

You did not!!

70MPH70 said...

The big issue is not saying "generous gift".

DorothyMantooth said...

Ooooh! Very good point, Jeff.
You really were raised in a barn, B-Dub.

And perhaps THAT is why Elijah never comes to your seders.

(Yes, yes. I find myself hilarious and plan to continue repeating my hilarious joke at every opportunity! At least through next week.)