Friday, March 13, 2009

What It's Like To Be A Twin

  • Every time I hear my voice on the answering machine, I think it's Andrew.
  • One time I went into Andrew's work. It was like like having amnesia. I had no idea who anyone was, but they all said hello to me.
  • Meeting Andrew's co-workers is always fun. When they finally realize I'm not Andrew, they stare at me like I'm the weirdest thing they've ever seen. Then they invariably say, "Weird!!!"
  • When I talk, they say, "He sounds like him, too!"
  • Every now and then, I'll be walking down the street and someone will say hi to me. That means they think I'm Andrew.
  • When someone stares at me in line at the movie theater, I know they think I'm Andrew.
  • Mom was grateful for caller id, so she could finally tell us apart on the phone.
  • Being a twin doesn't mean I don't also think that twins are weird. One time in high school, I saw identical twins on the bus and wondered, "I wonder what that is like."
  • We always shared birthday parties together. I never minded. I still refer to my birthdays in the third person.
  • No matter what each of us is doing, if we both do it together, it's funny.
  • Andrew and I were both counselors at a day camp. The kids would always ask, "are you you or your brother?" To this day, that's the still the stupidest question I've ever heard.
  • The only person I've ever been happy to think I was Andrew is Lilah, but she's old enough to know better now.
  • The nieces can't tell us apart, so they will generally call us both either Uncle Andrew or Uncle Brian, taking turns with both names. I take it as a major victory when they call Andrew "Uncle Brian."
  • When someone tells me they saw my twin, they're probably right.
  • I'm not sure I know what I look like, but I know I look like Andrew.
  • I have a hard time telling us apart in baby pictures.
  • There was one time when I was confused. We were kids and I thought Andrew and I were playing chicken by walking into each other. We both laughed, then I walked into the mirror.


DorothyMantooth said...

Dude! For the last time, you guys have totally different noses!!

You also don't really sound alike to me...

But that doesn't make you any less special. I mean speshul. ;-)

Mary said...

The Mr. and I are LOL right now. We miss you guys!

DorothyMantooth said...

Miss you, too, Mary!