Tonight, Nilda and I went to a meet and greet with the practice Nilda's doctor is part of, followed by a tour of the birthing floor and postpartum rooms at the hospital. The hospital is Columbia at 168th Street, nosy. They do this meet and greet about every six weeks, which seemed pretty often to me. I was thinking that there would be 3 or 4 couples and that we'd have a quick chat in the lobby followed by a short tour. But we get there to see a ton of people and chairs set up for a presentation and a spread of cheese and crackers and OH MY GOD THERE ARE SO MANY PREGNANT PEOPLE!!! At least you know the cheese is safe for pregnant women.
There were maybe 45-50 couples there, easily 100 people. I had no idea that there were this many pregnant women in New York, and this was just one practice at one hospital. I'm sitting there thinking, "Wow, these humans can really reproduce quickly!" And these women were pregnant, like, really pregnant. I was concerned that some of them would pop and there would be baby all over the walls, and we'd be picking baby out of our hair for days.
One of the doctors says that the 7 doctors in the practice do about 2-3 deliveries every day, and that the hospital as a whole does 10-15 deliveries a day. I haven't put my fact-checkers on this, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that's a lot of babies.
P.S. - Note to the universe - let's not have many deliveries around December 17, so that Nilda and I can get our own room. Just putting that out there.