Thursday, April 28, 2011

Live Blogging The Vampire Diaries

It's 8:00 pm on Thursday, which means I'm not allowed to watch tv. Didn't I once have a blog or something? It was good during the apartment renovations, but it's really gone downhill since then...
  • Matt & Mary came in for the weekend and the whole law school crowd got back together again. We played a fierce game of Monopoly where Nilda had to tell me to be nice and we had a big discussion over whether shaker furniture should be considered "art." It was just like old times. It's amazing how formative two years of living together in a mouse-infested shithole in the projects can be.
  • Francesca is turning 8. How is that possible?? I remember rushing home on NJTransit to see her and how excited I was that we had a baby in the family. Now there are so many babies you have to watch where you walk and I'm going to a rolling skating party on Sunday.
  • I like spring and, yes, I admit it, I like flowers. Take that, people at work making fun of me for going to the NY Botanical Gardens. The Japanese have a word ("Ohanami") for enjoying cherry blossoms. Flowers are aggressive extensions of the fight for survival that create colors and images seen no where else in nature. Plus, they're generally accompanied by warmer weather and the blooming of the boobies.
  • I'm ok with not being a finalist for the cover of Madden 2012. Vick had a good year and he deserves it.
  • I just read another book on Al Qaeda and it was awesome. I'll spare you the blog on it, but here's one: There was a suicide plot to bomb commercial airplanes in the mid-2000s where the bombers planned to bring highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide (the explosive device of choice) on a plane in soda bottles, then make a bomb using disposable cameras as a trigger and detonate it mid-flight. That's why you can't bring liquids onto planes.
  • This may be old to a lot of you, but one of the funniest things I've seen on the internet in a while was Brian Williams on Morning Joe back in December. During a discussion of the biggest news stories of 2010, Williams' points to the NY Time's "discovery" of Brooklyn. Check it out.

  • Andrew made fun of me in the car ride home from the second seder, telling me that my playlist had "all the hits of 1998." That pissed me off, mostly because he's right. I came up with a playlist long ago and have basically just been adding to it ever since. Good songs don't become bad just because time passes. Give "My Humps" the respect it's due.
  • I an now making a concerted effort to listen to new music. Here's what I'm going to try to listen to: Megafaun, "Heretofore;" LCD, "This Is Happening;" and Tame Impala, "InnerSpeaker." You can practically see the beards and plaid shirts in the names.
  • I'm looking forward to getting bored and going back to listening exclusively to Phish. I just downloaded a '99 show. I know, I'm expanding.
  • Speaking of new music, someone please get this song out of my head (Andrew, check out how he uses the delay):

1 comment:

DorothyMantooth said...

Dude. Even the Blue Eyed People don't do "My Humps" anymore! True fact.

Also, didn't you once make fun of my CDs as all being from before 1996?