Thursday, August 5, 2010

Carrots That I Am Advised Are Purple

  • I've been following Eagles training camp for the first time. I usually don't get interested in football until September, but man, I'm ready for the season to start now. Maybe it's the ridiculously hot weather that has me ready for fall.
  • I don't mind the heat. Yeah, it's hot and the subway sucks, but at least it's not cold.
  • I have decided that I am a Kevin Kolb supporter, though I do think McNabb will have a better season in Washington.
  • I want a car. I have absolutely no need for a car, yet I want one. I look at cars in the street and critique each one of them. I've realized that my dream car is my parent's 1990 burgundy Toyota Camry. Man, I loved that car.
  • I thought the Camry was brown until last week when my parents told me that it was burgundy. Same difference. At least I didn't say it was red.
  • Facebook is thrilled that a federal court judge invalidated Prop 8 under federal law. This is not a good sign. I can get beyond the problem of a court invalidating a referendum (the civil rights movement would have never survived a referendum).
  • The real problem is that the Roberts court - the most conservative Supreme Court in decades - is going to decide this issue. I see the court using Prop 8 as an opportunity to write a scathing decision about judicial activism, upholding a discriminatory law under the banner of public opinion.
  • Strangely enough, the left's best hope is Ted Olson, the guy who made sure Bush got into office over Gore.
  • Nilda gets way too into Shark Week.
  • The best part about summer is the farmer's market. I never appreciated corn and donut peaches so much. And, of course, crazy carrots:

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