Thursday, October 4, 2012

"I Will Gum Your Ankles."

I'm writing this because Grey's Anatomy is on.  If you haven't been watching, there was a plane crash or something and somebody died and other stuff happened.  Now you're up to date.  Btw, that new actor you can't place was Smash on Friday Night Lights.  Here's what else is going on:
  • Charlie had his 9-month doctor's appointment and he is doing great, 21 pounds, almost 22, and 28.75 inches long, both 50th percentile. 
  • The pediatrician said that we need to think about discipline, because Charlie will start to test us. The little shit's way ahead of her.
  • Charlie's new favorite toy is the power cord to the computer.  Charlie Heller = Man of Danger.  
  • Charlie is starting to explore his surroundings, i.e., underneath tables and chairs.  He has two black and blue spots on his forehead, to serve as a testament to his courage.  
  • Charlie believes that "careful" and "cuidado" mean keep doing what you're doing, only louder and faster. 
  • After three years of living near the Columbia University football stadium, we finally went to a football game where they played Fordham.  Nilda never knew Fordham had a football team, but we just had to sit in the Fordham section of the game since we both went to law school there.  Lesson = Charlie doesn't like football games that interrupt his naps. 
  • For about a week, Charlie had a rough time going to sleep.  I tried to put him to bed one night, but he kept crying hysterically. Having to go to bed when you're not tired sounds like torture to me so I brought him into the living room.  He looked at his mother with his squinty eyes, smiled, and went, "Heh," as in, "I got this guy figured out."
  • We went into Philly for Rosh Hashanah and Charlie saw all of his cousins.  We spent Yom Kippur in New York and went to services at City Congregation.  It's like regular services, except without the God part.  We liked it a lot.  
  • Charlie is now all about Mommy and Daddy when we're with other people.  It's nice that he wants to be held by only us, but sometimes I want to say, "Hey Charlie, stop being such a pussy."
  • Charlie turns 1 on December 15 and Nilda is well into planning his first birthday party.  It's going to be a surprise, since Charlie has no clue what's going on.   
  • Halloween is coming up and I want to dress Charlie up as a Lithuanian porn star, with a polyester shirt, big gold chain and toupee.  Nilda's warming up to the idea. 
  • It was Nilda's birthday on September 30!!  Happy birthday to the most wonderful, beautiful, amazing baby momma any two guys could hope for. 

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