Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Aliens In America

After reading a great review in the NY Times, I made a point of watching "Aliens In America" on CW last night, about a loser in high school whose parents bring in an exchange student from Pakistan to be his friend. What makes the show so interesting and real is the blatant racism coming from the chacters. The mother, having expected a white European, wants to return him, a teacher asks which of the students don't like the "terrorist," and the kids at school call him "Fudge-Pakistan." Almost as good as the Steve Urkell Show.


Anonymous said...

unfortunately that might be like the real america ... the america of today. still ... even i ended up watching the show. it was funny if you overlooked that in a way it was offensive. doubt any pakistanis saw it but they'd probably be offended if they did.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to watch it becasue Luke is in it. But, its rather terrible!