Monday, August 27, 2007

I Ate Bad This Weekend

Friday lunch - Quiznos beef dip
Friday dinner - pizza
Saturday breakfast - eggs, sausage, hash browns
Saturday dinner - Brazilian churascarria
Sunday lunch - Taco Bell
Sunday dinner - chinese food

Yes, the wedding is over.


I'm not allowed to go to today. Its part of the surge to get more work done. At least it helped me break free of my crippling spider solitare addiction.

Friday, August 24, 2007


This website lets you play most of the original Nintendo games online. I highly recommend Dr. Mario, 1943 and Tecmo-Bowl.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Open Letter to the Asshole Who Just Called Me at Work

There's no "Nitten" here, douche bag. What kind of a name is "Nitten," anyway? And did you really think that asking for "my girl" would clarify the situtation? Check your fingers when you dial, dickwad.


Monday, August 20, 2007

On the Road Again

Its not incorrect to say that Jack Kerouac wrote "On the Road" in a blistering three weeks in April 1951, on one scroll of paper. Closer to the truth is that Kerouac's scroll turned into "On the Road" after considerable work by editors and Kerouac himself, adding commas and changing names, changing it from a history into literature. In honor of the 50th anniversary of "On the Road," they've finally published the original scroll. Guess what Brian just bought.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Rove Resigning

No one believes that Rove is actually resigning to spend time with his "college age" son, or that the Chief of Staff is making him leave. At first, I thought he was leaving because he knows there's going to be a huge issue of Congress' subpoenaing of him. But his being in office or not would not impact the subpoena, so that can't be it.

Now I think that Rove is leaving because he wants to work on a campaign and needs time to distance himself from the White House. Either he's too young to retire and wants to stay in the game, or he still believes that he can create a Republican party that will rule for 50 years. Either way, we haven't heard the last of Rove.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Keroauc Awareness Month

This is the 50th Anniversary of the release of "On the Road." The NY Times released its review of the book from September 5, 1957, heralding it as "an authentic work of art" and "a major novel." (Anyone who reads the Times knows how much of a compliment that is). It is considered the most famous review in history. "On the Road" should be required reading basd on its cultural significance, but it meant everything to me when I was 20.

Just Say No

I saw this VH1 special about drugs that freaked me out. Worst of all were these pictures showing how meth destroyed their bodies. The most dramatic case was Theresa Baxter, who looked relatively normal in her mug shot from 2002, after an arrest for identify theft and fraud, to her mug shot 2.5 years later, where, at just 42, she lost 40 pounds, lost all but 2 teeth, has terrible wrinkles and a cyst on her cheek. She says she cannot stand to look in the mirror. Meth is bad shit.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Physicists v. Mathematicians

I'm reading this great book the Uncertainty Principle. Physicists and mathematicians have had a rivalry, going as far back as Einsten. Mathematicians say that physicists don't and can't do the hard equations, while phycisists think that mathematicians deal strictly with meaningless theory and don't contribute. There was actually a nerd rumble back when Bohr first proposed his theory of the atom. There were protractors and compasses everywhere. It was awful.